
An (accessible) introduction 

The general belief in almost all cities’ environments is that a fence, barrier or boundary should not be passed without permission. After all, if, as popular wisdom declares, do not put yourself at risk – health and safety is paramount, rules and regulations. But can there never be a ‘real’ experience? And will it never be possible to access that part of our cities’ extended urban space again, the attractions of the terrain and the encounters, since the fence was erected? Upon the arrival and installation of new steel fencing at sites such as underneath a victorian train arch has clear-cut no access been approved? The moment when remote instruction is passed the status quo has been established. Another part of our extended urban space will never be able to be experienced by future generations. But how can we continue to experience and access these places again without lengthy applications or agency fees? Or however on closer inspection, through some miscalculated error, is there a gap in the fence with no site security and no dogs! (Inspired by the writings of Necdet Teymur)

Palisade, 2017, enamel on aluminium, 20 x 30 cm

THE CHIMNEYS. LCN Showcase 2nd Edition

Palisade 3, 2017, enamel on canvas, 90 x 90 cm

Berlin drawings, 2018. Installation at ZK/U Residency, Berlin. Mixed media, variable dimensions

NANJI TANKS, 2014. Installation at SeMA Nanji Residency, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea. Mixed media, variable dimensions

Brick, 2014, c-print on aluminium, 93 x 118 cm

Shin, 2014, stainless steel on painted aluminium, 93 x 118 cm

Eungbong, 2014, oil on aluminium, 93 x 118 cm

BRICK DAY, 2014, Production still

Gateway, 2013, oil on canvas, 131 x 164 cm

Gasometer, 2012, silver gelatin print, 20 x 25 cm

Temperance, 2014, situated work (demolished), London

Pipe, 2007/12. Installation at Vision solo show, Rosenblatt Solicitors. Plywood, 11 x 122 x 210 cm. Private collection

Gate, 2006. Installation at Vision solo show, Rosenblatt Solicitors. Plywood, 11 x 122 x 210 cm. Private collection

Château d’Eau, 2012. Oil on two-part canvas, 181 x 166 cm, (installation view at 43 Inverness street). Private collection

Seascape, 2012. 122 x 183 cm Oil on canvas panel. Private collection

Riverscape, 2017, oil on aluminium, 54 x 76 cm, private collection

The Water Tower, 2011, oil on canvas, 125 x 125 cm, private collection

Canal Meets Westway, 2008, oil on board, 110 x 150 cm, private collection

All work is for sale unless otherwise stated